How Pet Travel Works

Fly Apex is an international pet transport company dedicated to animal lovers, providing interstate and overseas pet relocation services. Here is an easy step-by-step guide for a better understanding of the requirements for the smooth travel of your pet.

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Pet Travel Tips

Here are a few general pet travel tips to prepare you and your pet for travel. For advice specific to you, get in touch with the team at Fly Apex and we will be happy to help.

As we know, pets are very perceptive, so the best way to keep a pet calm in the lead up to a move is to stay relaxed yourself and go about your normal business. Pet owners can become a little anxious about how their pet will cope with the proposed big adventure. You can rest assured that with our specialised knowledge from assisting thousands of pets safely travel throughout Europe and the world each year, that our pet travel tips will give you the peace of mind you need.

You were very patient and professional may I add very personable. It was nice to have you personally call us and go through our worries with us. Your guidance was very helpful. We picked up a happy dog – THANK YOU – we are grateful there are caring companies like Fly Apex out there.”

As the move gets closer, here are pet travel tips that will help to ensure your pet is as well prepared as possible to enjoy a safe and relaxed flight:

  • Consult your regular vet for a health check (especially for puppies and pets over the age of 12) to ensure they are fit and healthy to be flying. For our international travellers, this is a perfect time to ensure that all the necessary vaccinations are up to date (Fly Apex can advise which are relevant to your move). If your pet is fit and healthy they should travel well. Please ensure that your pet’s vaccination records are kept in a safe place and not sent with the removalist; for international travellers we usually require original copies of this paperwork.
  • If you would like to acclimatise your pet before travel with their travel crate, please ensure you make it a positive process. If you incorporate enjoyable activities like meal time, favourite toys and a blanket it can assist in creating a positive experience. Something like an old shirt with a familiar scent is ideal to place in the travel crate when your pet is travelling to give them a sense of familiarity.
  • A common question we receive, particularly from owners who believe they have an anxious pet, is whether or not we recommend sedation – the answer is no. Sedating pets travelling at altitude is not ideal at all. Sedated pets can become disorientated, dehydrated and have travel sickness. Clearly no pet owner would like any of these conditions to harm their pet, let alone in an environment that they can’t control.
  • On the day of travel, please do not feed your pet within 6-8 hours of the intended travel. This will help your pet avoid being travel sick and going to the toilet in the travel crate. We do line crates with absorbent materials just in case, but preventing accidents will best ensure your pet remains most comfortable.
  • If your dog is being collected by our handlers, please ensure it has had plenty of outside time and a good walk. The same applies before check in to any flight. Fly Apex handlers will provide a walk prior to check in when and where possible, but nothing beats a run around before we come. This helps pets feel more relaxed and better able to sleep during travel.

We hope these pet travel tips are helpful in setting your mind at ease about the process of pet relocation. If you have any questions, always feel free to get in touch with our friendly and experienced team.

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Euro Wings is an international pet transport company dedicated to providing the very best service and care for you and your pet in providing Australian domestic and international pet relocation services. With offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane, are a one-stop-shop for your pet transport needs.

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